Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Drink the cup of water

They ask me if i am pessimistic or optimistic... I always say if there is a glass of water and I am thirsty I shall drink the water....
Being pessimistic or optimistic does not affect the result of your thirst level... so it is not relevant.

There are facts in life and the fact is you are thirsty and you have a cup of water are you going to think about is it half empty or half full??!!!

Just drink it... then you can think about it because when you are hungry you are not you... when you are thirsty I do not even know about who I am ....

What your expections are will be the outcome of your life... and if it is ok for you it is fine for me....

I have expectations of being happy... so I shall look for every possible outcome to make me happier than before!!!! So am i optimistic or i am only looking for the happinies.

Human beings... we are so strong we can create stress, drama, health challenges and so on..

Let's think about it ... you are unhealthy as a result of your eating habits... we create every health challenge relating to our diets then start to have medication then complain about the side affects.

Be no one!!! and drink the water!!! then change the diet...

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